system.formatException :value can't be converted to boolean
code snippet is as follows
da1 = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("select ghID,ref_location,gh_type from ghouseMaster where'" & CmbCity.SelectedValue.ToString & "' ", con)
da1.Fill(ds1, "ghouseMaster")
DataGridView1.DataSource = ds1.Tables("ghouseMaster")
DataGridView1.Columns("ghID").Visible = False
Dim chb As New DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn()
DataGridView1.Columns.Insert(0, chb)
chb.HeaderText = ""
Have written this code in a comboBox's selectedItemChanged event and its a runtime exception.
Also, I have 2 dataGridViews on the form so when I uncheck any checkbox in the 2nd DGV, the checkboxe in the 1st DGV also gets unchecked automatically and few more things happening in the DGVs which shouldn't be happening and its a complete chaos basically. PLZ help!:distress:
code snippet is as follows
da1 = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("select ghID,ref_location,gh_type from ghouseMaster where'" & CmbCity.SelectedValue.ToString & "' ", con)
da1.Fill(ds1, "ghouseMaster")
DataGridView1.DataSource = ds1.Tables("ghouseMaster")
DataGridView1.Columns("ghID").Visible = False
Dim chb As New DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn()
DataGridView1.Columns.Insert(0, chb)
chb.HeaderText = ""
Have written this code in a comboBox's selectedItemChanged event and its a runtime exception.
Also, I have 2 dataGridViews on the form so when I uncheck any checkbox in the 2nd DGV, the checkboxe in the 1st DGV also gets unchecked automatically and few more things happening in the DGVs which shouldn't be happening and its a complete chaos basically. PLZ help!:distress: