im getting this error when using the insert into command
Dim atable(4) As dbsettings.Field
Dim idpat, idcons As String
Dim ptable, ctable As New Data.DataTable
atable(0).name = "AdmId"
atable(0).value = TbAdm.Text
findid(idpat, CbPat, "name", "IdCard", "patients", ptable)
atable(1).name = "PatId"
atable(1).value = idpat
atable(2).name = "Date"
atable(2).value = TbDate.Text
atable(3).name = "Ward"
atable(3).value = TbWard.Text
findid(idcons, CbCons, "name", "CId", "consultants", ctable)
atable(4).name = "ConsId"
atable(4).value = idcons
dbs.updatedb(dbs.sqls("Adm_Add", atable, "insert"))
Public Function sqls(ByVal table As String, ByVal datacol() As Field, ByVal sdtype As String) As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim fieldname, fieldvalue As String
Dim sqls1, sqls2 As String
If sdtype = "insert" Then
sqls1 = "INSERT INTO " + (table) + " ("
sqls2 = "VALUES ("
For i = 0 To datacol.Length - 1
If datacol(i).value <> Nothing Then
fieldname = datacol(i).name
fieldvalue = datacol(i).value
sqls1 = sqls1 + fieldname + ", "
sqls2 = sqls2 + "'" + fieldvalue + "', "
End If
sqls1 = sqls1.Remove(sqls1.Length - 2, 2) + ") "
sqls2 = sqls2.Remove(sqls2.Length - 2, 2) + ") "
sqls = sqls1 + sqls2
Public Sub updatedb(ByVal sql As String)
cmd.CommandText = sql
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
cmd.Connection = connection
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
This is the coding used regards the matter. The thing is when using it with a different table, everything works fine. I checked all the properties of the current table and it seems ok as I put everything into string format, and all the table properties are of text format. Can you help pls
Dim atable(4) As dbsettings.Field
Dim idpat, idcons As String
Dim ptable, ctable As New Data.DataTable
atable(0).name = "AdmId"
atable(0).value = TbAdm.Text
findid(idpat, CbPat, "name", "IdCard", "patients", ptable)
atable(1).name = "PatId"
atable(1).value = idpat
atable(2).name = "Date"
atable(2).value = TbDate.Text
atable(3).name = "Ward"
atable(3).value = TbWard.Text
findid(idcons, CbCons, "name", "CId", "consultants", ctable)
atable(4).name = "ConsId"
atable(4).value = idcons
dbs.updatedb(dbs.sqls("Adm_Add", atable, "insert"))
Public Function sqls(ByVal table As String, ByVal datacol() As Field, ByVal sdtype As String) As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim fieldname, fieldvalue As String
Dim sqls1, sqls2 As String
If sdtype = "insert" Then
sqls1 = "INSERT INTO " + (table) + " ("
sqls2 = "VALUES ("
For i = 0 To datacol.Length - 1
If datacol(i).value <> Nothing Then
fieldname = datacol(i).name
fieldvalue = datacol(i).value
sqls1 = sqls1 + fieldname + ", "
sqls2 = sqls2 + "'" + fieldvalue + "', "
End If
sqls1 = sqls1.Remove(sqls1.Length - 2, 2) + ") "
sqls2 = sqls2.Remove(sqls2.Length - 2, 2) + ") "
sqls = sqls1 + sqls2
Public Sub updatedb(ByVal sql As String)
cmd.CommandText = sql
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
cmd.Connection = connection
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
This is the coding used regards the matter. The thing is when using it with a different table, everything works fine. I checked all the properties of the current table and it seems ok as I put everything into string format, and all the table properties are of text format. Can you help pls