With great pleasure Uniswift is announcing its new release of SwiftReports Suite V1.1 for Visual Studio .NET 2003.<o ="">
We are pleased to announce the second release of our fully-managed reporting tool for the Microsoft .NET framework. SwiftReports provides complete code integration with the Visual Studio .NET 2003 environment.
Developers can use Visual Studio .NET 2003 to write code in either C#
or Visual Basic .NET for report control and event handling. It is fully integrated into Visual Studio.NET 2003 – giving you the ability to design reports just as you would design Windows ® Forms Applications.
SwiftReports Suite V1.1 is currently available for download at http://www.uniswift.com
Preview reports inside the IDE. No need to run application to view reports. Use the standard VS.NET controls to manipulate the report and its controls (PropertyGrid, Alignment toolbar, cut, copy, paste, undo, redo etc).Drag on drop SwiftReports controls onto the report designer just like when you are designing Window Forms or ASP.NET controls. You are able to lock, multi select and manipulate (Size, align and move) SwiftReports controls just like standard .NET controls. <o ="">
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End user Designer<o ="">
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The end user designer controls are fully customizable. Are you not tired of every other tool giving you a tool to design reports but you have to use their vision of how the end user designer must look.
With SwiftReports you can design you own end user designer, use your own menus, toolbars and forms. Conform to your company's look and feel and not on how we think an end user designer must look. The end user designer is broken up into modules containing of the designer, toolbox, property grid, table design surface and report data connecter.
ASP.NET Toolbar<o ="">
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Introducing our new ASP.NET web toolbar control, just drag and drop the new control onto an existing web form and connect it to a SwiftReport. Run your web application and you will have your full SwiftReport to be seen on the web and the best is that no royalties are payable.
New SwiftReports Controls<o ="">
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You’ve spoken and we’ve listened. We have created two new controls, a memo control to give you more flexibility for your text fields and a link label control for you to be able to visually create linked reports. We have also added a new property to the existing label control to dynamically grow and shrink your labels automatically.
Field value calculations<o ="">
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You are now able to do calculations on report controls, database fields and a combination of both. This makes your report generating even more flexible not having to create events for simple type of calculations.
Sub Reports <o ="">
The integration has been rewritten to give you even more flexibility. You can now, more easily, create master detail reports.<o ="">
Price: (single developer)
$399.99 with source code
$299.99 without source code
Multi-developer discounts are available.
To learn more about the SwiftReports Suite, visit our product information page at:
To download a fully functional trial version, visit us online at
To order your copy, visit our online store at
Additional information may be found on our web site
the SwiftReports team
We are pleased to announce the second release of our fully-managed reporting tool for the Microsoft .NET framework. SwiftReports provides complete code integration with the Visual Studio .NET 2003 environment.
Developers can use Visual Studio .NET 2003 to write code in either C#
or Visual Basic .NET for report control and event handling. It is fully integrated into Visual Studio.NET 2003 – giving you the ability to design reports just as you would design Windows ® Forms Applications.
SwiftReports Suite V1.1 is currently available for download at http://www.uniswift.com
Preview reports inside the IDE. No need to run application to view reports. Use the standard VS.NET controls to manipulate the report and its controls (PropertyGrid, Alignment toolbar, cut, copy, paste, undo, redo etc).Drag on drop SwiftReports controls onto the report designer just like when you are designing Window Forms or ASP.NET controls. You are able to lock, multi select and manipulate (Size, align and move) SwiftReports controls just like standard .NET controls. <o ="">
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End user Designer<o ="">
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The end user designer controls are fully customizable. Are you not tired of every other tool giving you a tool to design reports but you have to use their vision of how the end user designer must look.
With SwiftReports you can design you own end user designer, use your own menus, toolbars and forms. Conform to your company's look and feel and not on how we think an end user designer must look. The end user designer is broken up into modules containing of the designer, toolbox, property grid, table design surface and report data connecter.
ASP.NET Toolbar<o ="">
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Introducing our new ASP.NET web toolbar control, just drag and drop the new control onto an existing web form and connect it to a SwiftReport. Run your web application and you will have your full SwiftReport to be seen on the web and the best is that no royalties are payable.
New SwiftReports Controls<o ="">
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You’ve spoken and we’ve listened. We have created two new controls, a memo control to give you more flexibility for your text fields and a link label control for you to be able to visually create linked reports. We have also added a new property to the existing label control to dynamically grow and shrink your labels automatically.
Field value calculations<o ="">
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You are now able to do calculations on report controls, database fields and a combination of both. This makes your report generating even more flexible not having to create events for simple type of calculations.
Sub Reports <o ="">
The integration has been rewritten to give you even more flexibility. You can now, more easily, create master detail reports.<o ="">
Price: (single developer)
$399.99 with source code
$299.99 without source code
Multi-developer discounts are available.
To learn more about the SwiftReports Suite, visit our product information page at:
To download a fully functional trial version, visit us online at
To order your copy, visit our online store at
Additional information may be found on our web site
the SwiftReports team