Suppressing “Choose a digital certificate” dialogue in WebBrowser


New member
Nov 23, 2011
Programming Experience
Hello all,

Could you please advise how to suppress the dialogue of "Choose a digital certificate" in VB .NET when opening a HTTPS using Webbrowser control?
I am writing a program to authenticate on some Firewalls via HTTPS links opened in a webbrowser on VB.NET form.Every time, that window pops up showing an empty list, asking for OK or Cancel, pressing any button on the dialogue, closes the it and continuing by authentication.Is there a way to automate accepting/closing/suppressing such a dialogue in VB.NET??Thanks in advance
Thanks Allan .. but my time-date setting it okay.

When I click ok or Cancel, the windows goes away and the webpage opens normally.

I presume that webbrowser in VB inherits the same security settings of the installed IE.

So, when opening the same HTTPS link on IE browser, that link just opens normally without any certificate issues.

Any ideas how to prevent or even automate tapping/closing that window? :upset: