Supported Data Types in Web Services .NET 2.0?


VB.NET Forum Admin
Jun 3, 2004
Programming Experience
I am trying to find the "complete" list of what data types are supported in web service development with ASP.NET 2.0. I found this reference but I don't know that it's complete. I thought we could pass DataTables via web services.

Anyone have a good reference on what can be passed?
You have to pass the DataTable in a DataSet.
Thanks, I am able to pass my DataTable by serializing it to a compressed byte array, yep, ringing a bell? I'm back to writing another web service.
Brought to my attension from a different thread I have tested the DataTable return type and it works just fine here now. I must have misunderstood the documentation before, I see no other reason for the first reply. Can't believe I didn't even try to run a code sample for this in March.