Subclassing the web form


New member
Jan 27, 2007
Programming Experience
I'm new to (I'm using .net framework 2.0 and vs 2005). I'd like to find a reusable way to save and restore the contents / conditions of web page controls. I am considering attempting to inherit from the page class and use a hash table to hold the information. This way I could put/get individual controls or even the entire page. If I create another class that keeps a hash table of all the pages I could even put / get the entire site.

I'd like to be able to programatically access all the controls on a site from any page on the site. This would allow me to, for example, disable all submit buttons or disallow all right-clicks. It would also allow me to set values for a control three pages back (or ahead) by putting the value in the hash table then getting it when the page loads.

Does this read like a really dumb idea? Is there already a way to do this that exists in the framework?
