String Problem


Well-known member
Nov 9, 2005
Programming Experience
I have declared a string at the top of a program. In a subroutine I bring in
the RS232 chars and put then into the string.

After I have done what I want with the data, I need to reset the string
so that then next RS232 access does not get added to the end of the

So how do I reset the string pointer to start a the beginning of the string?

Public Share sBuf2 as String
Dim sBuf as String

Private Sub tmrRead_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles tmrRead.Tick

' As long as there is information, read one byte at a time and
' output it.
While (oCP.Read(1) <> -1)
'Write data to terminal screen
fOpTerm.DisplayMessage(Chr(oCP.InputStream(0)), False)
sBuf += Chr(oCP.InputStream(0))
End While

Catch exc As Exception
' An exception is raised when there is no information to read.
' Don't do anything here, just let the exception go.
End Try
sBuf2 = sBuf

End sub
Well this does not do what I expected to do. I have

sBuf2 = Sbuf
Me.Textbox2.text = len(sBuf2)
sBuf2 = string.empty

When I run it repeatly the length of sBuf2 keeps going up. 26...52...
What I need to do only see the length of each run.