I'v got 2 subs that have a for loop that keeps getting/searching for files/directories and returning the path of the files. These subs get active when someone hits the "Start Scan" button, but now I also want to make a "Stop Scan" button to stop the loop. But how can I do this? Because when I let it create a basic "Button_Click" sub, then it doesn't work because it keeps scanning files (because it stays in the for loop where it searches for files and returns the paths, so it doesn't continue to the next sub where it checks if the button "Stop Scan" has been pressed, but I want it to check if that button has been pressed, like constantly while it scans, how can I do this?
Thanks in advanced again, really appreciated,
btw, this is a part of the code I got now:
I'v got 2 subs that have a for loop that keeps getting/searching for files/directories and returning the path of the files. These subs get active when someone hits the "Start Scan" button, but now I also want to make a "Stop Scan" button to stop the loop. But how can I do this? Because when I let it create a basic "Button_Click" sub, then it doesn't work because it keeps scanning files (because it stays in the for loop where it searches for files and returns the paths, so it doesn't continue to the next sub where it checks if the button "Stop Scan" has been pressed, but I want it to check if that button has been pressed, like constantly while it scans, how can I do this?
Thanks in advanced again, really appreciated,
btw, this is a part of the code I got now:
Private Sub Button9_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button9.Click
Dim CurrentScanStatus As Object = DoScanStatus("")
If CurrentScanStatus = "Scan has not started yet." Then
DoScanStatus("Scan Started")
CurrentScanStatus = DoScanStatus("")
Label1.Text = CurrentScanStatus & " "
Button9.Enabled = False
Button8.Enabled = True
End If
'Search C:\ top level subdirectories
Dim foundDirs2 = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetDirectories("C:\", FileIO.SearchOption.SearchTopLevelOnly, "*")
Dim AmountFoundDirs2 As Integer
AmountFoundDirs2 = foundDirs2.Count
ProgressBar2.Maximum = AmountFoundDirs2
If ScanStatus = "Scan Started" Then
For Each foundDir As String In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetDirectories _
("C:\", FileIO.SearchOption.SearchTopLevelOnly, "*")
If CurrentScanStatus = "Scan Started" Then
ProgressBar2.Value = ProgressBar2.Value + 1
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Button8_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button8.Click
ScanStatus = "Scan Stopped"
Button8.Enabled = False
Button9.Enabled = True
End Sub
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