Step with AxWindowsMediaPlayer and printing a SMPTE time code to a text file


New member
Jun 24, 2011
Programming Experience
1) I've got a program that plays a video specified by the user. The user then watches the video and tags certain events on the screen with different buttons. I'd like them to be able to move frame by frame to get the exact moment the event starts. I found the step function in IWMPControls2. This works for stepping forward a frame but not backwards in my code.

In my backward step button click event, "AxWindowsMediaPlayer1.Ctlcontrols.step(-1)"
The forward event of "AxWindowsMediaPlayer1.Ctlcontrols.step(1)" works just fine

I've previously set "Dim Ctlcontrols2 As WMPLib.IWMPControls2 = DirectCast(Ctlcontrols, WMPLib.IWMPControls2)"

Any thoughts as to what I'm doing wrong?

2) How can I print a SMPTE time code to a text file? In the IWMPControls3 there is the currentPositionTimecode property that seems to tell me the exact frame the video is presently on. I'd like to record this as the time the event started but I can't seem to find information about printing it to a text file.
