Stand-alone deployment, XCOPY, security exceptions, etc...


New member
Nov 16, 2006
Programming Experience
Hi, all! I'm trying to build a true stand-alone application with Vb.Net 2k5 (Vs.Net 2k5) to run from a network share for the average domain user each time they log in. Each of the workstations are XP/Pro w/latest patches and Framework (2.0), so I shouldn't have to redistribute the Framework at all. I've searched the boards here for anything relevent, but haven't found anything that answers the questions fully.

Now, I've read in some places that it's possible to make a truly stand-alone application (meaning I can just copy the EXE off of my development box to the network, and run the app at any user's workstation), and in other places I've read that doing so is just a myth. We used to have a real stand-alone app (ie, no installation of anything required) that would run on our old Novell network, and the boss wants the same functionality on the Win2k3 domain network.

First: is a stand-alone application really possible, or not? Purchasing XenoCode or some other add-in is not an option.

Second: I have a VERY basic legal disclaimer application build in VB.Net: it is a single form with a RichTextBox and a CommandButton. Message is displayed in the RTB, and the user clicks the command button to make it go away. Simple, clean. I've tweaked the permissions for the app to Include UIPermissions in the final build.

When I compile and then copy the app out to a network location that all users have read/execute privs to, any user that doesn't have elevated privileges (like me, Mr. SysAdmin) gets the following error on launch:

Request for the permission of type
Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.

A user on a different suggested running caspol.exe to reset the policy regarding executing my app from the machine, and doing so had no effect on the application when run. Requiring me to run touch each machine is, however, defeating the purpose of having a stand-alone app in the first place: if I have to touch each machine individually, I might as well just run the installer for my app, then drop a copy out on the network. But running around to 350+ machines isn't an option.

Any suggestions? Is this possible with .Net, or are the days of true stand-alone apps gone?
