sql server for local database needed?


Jul 16, 2008
Programming Experience

i programmed a little accounting tool that calculates all the payments
and incomes. Therefore i use a local database (data.mdf) where i store like
date, what i buyed and the price.

now when i run the program on my computer (where sql server is installed) the program functions proparly. but now i sent it to my friend and he said that
there is always the error: couldnt open database.

Does he have to have sql server installed?? or what could that be??

thx for the help.

Yes, db engine is needed to use db from app. For example Clickonce automatically add Sql Express as prerequisite when a Sql db is added to project, when user install with Clickonce setup will detect if Sql Express is present and install it from internet (default) if not.
ok that sounds too complicated.

should i do it with xml files?? or is there any other good solution?

its a little accounting tool for private stuff. to handle like groceries, clothes and so on..

so for everything i buy it i want to store it like:

date, group (like food, clothesa and so on), description and price.

then i want to be able to summarize like all food entries, or summarize everything within a month and so on..

The lightweight Sql Compact could be more suitable, see comparison. ClickOnce will also install this by default, but you do away with clogging the user system with various server services running all the time. Prerequisites and deployment is generally no trouble. Other storage options could be as you mentioned Xml, and/or serializing business objects to xml/binary. Databases is usually the easier option and is well integrated in VS development tools, but it couldn't harm you trying to learn other file and data management too.