Source Crawler


New member
Aug 23, 2006
Programming Experience
I'm developing a crawler that can be run as part of a larger web application project and add code to existing source files. It is meant to be an admin piece where a project admin can log in, search for non-compliant source files, and one-click add a series of function calls to the Page_Load routine.

The problem I'm running into is "Access denied" when I open a file stream with write access. I think it has something to do with VS2003/IIS/something that makes source files readonly and prevents projects from editing their own source.

Does anyone know of a work-around?
if you were using a concurrent versioning system then this wouldnt happen because you would be checking out and working on a copy of the source. Given that you seem to be sharing workload, a cvs might be a good idea...

ps; there isnt a problem editing source files that the ide has open, because i do this semi regularly and each time i get a window saying that the file has been modified outside of the editor.. do i want to reload it?