Question source code from the .exe?


New member
Mar 24, 2011
Programming Experience
Hey All,

I have a .exe which was created in about 4 years ago. Due to some upgrades the .exe doesn't work as it used to.

I no longer have the source code and really need to get this program to work. Problem is my knowledge with coding is VERY basic. I was wondering if there was a way to extract the code from the source code from the .exe. I've done some googleing and from what i've gathered it's impossible to get the original source code. Is this true?

Any help will be a great help.
It's impossible to get the original source code. It is possiblt to get a pretty good approximation of large parts of it though. .NET Reflector is a decompilation tool that uses various techniques to reverse engineer the source code for a .NET assembly. If you get it from Red Ant, the author, then you can get version 7 starting at US$35. If you can find version 6 online anywhere then it will be free. You would have to create a new project, recreate the forms and then you can copy and paste chunks of source code from Reflector.
I tired to use the trial version and just got a red cross on the program. So i guess thats out of the question. I wouldn't mind redoing the program but i have no idea how to code the last time I did anything like this was while i was a school and can only remember me.close() hehehe.

Are there any websites that i can quickly learn as i go. What i'm trying to do is make a program which creates a folder with a name in the list, places necessary files in that folder and assigns the name of the folder in the win.ini file. The current program does exactully that but do to windows 7 changing the win.ini folders to C:\Users this doesn't work :(