Question Some questions about DataGridView


New member
Oct 21, 2012
Programming Experience

I'm working on Invoice System and I wanna use DataGridView for the invoice and I have some questions:

1. First column will be for product code. So what I want to do that when the user enter the product code and press "enter" the programme search on "products table" and the price should be written automatically on the second column.

2. On the third column, user will write the quantity so what I want to do is to multiply the price * quantity and put the answer on the fifth column.

3. The fourth column will be for the discount so it should be work like this (Price * quantity - discount)

4. Finally, the fifth columns sould be added together and the answer sould be written on the text box bellow.

I hope that I describe everything clearly.

Please help me with that

Thank you
I know how to add the rows and put the result on the text box. But I didn't find any topic about the processes inside DataGridView
yes, I've already made the connection with a database and I know how to write add, edit, delete codes and how to make queries but this is the first time I've use DataGridView for input and save data.

Note: I'm using Microsoft Access.
So in that case you've included a lot in question 1 that you can already do for yourself. You can already do the searching part and all you need help with is detecting the Enter key in the grid and updating the cell value. If we were to answer the question as asked then it would be a big waste of our time because we'd be covering stuff you already know. This is what I mean about asking specific questions about the things you're actually having problems with.