Slow loading VB window form components


New member
Mar 9, 2008
Programming Experience
I have problem after I installed a application on user machine. User found that the window form components (text box, label, button, etc) load very slowly each time they load form. Before this, they are using old machine and they never face such problem. After they change to new machine and install the same application, this problem appeared. I wonder why this will happen as I thought newer machine should process faster than old machine. Will it caused by any setting on the window or framework? Any replies will be appreciated.
Could you give some more information? What is the speed of the machine you are using? What all is on the form that is being displayed (tons of controls? custom controls?)? What kind of graphics card is being used?

Thanks for replying.
Win XP Pro version 2002 service pack 2, 1 GB of RAM.
There is no any image within the application. The weird thing is the application run smoothly in the old machine but load slowly in new machine.
Without more information (you didn't even answer my questions) there is no way to tell why this is happening. Especially without seeing the application.
I found the reason why. It is caused by window firewall. After I disable it, the system run smoothly.