Slow loading forms and form objects not showing


New member
Jul 5, 2007
Programming Experience
I have been working with a program that has about 6 forms. Which is to only have one form visible at any given time and only two function enabled at any given time. I am having issues getting the content of the form to load fully before the program continue on to the next step.

form.enabled = true

Form starts to show but never fully shows labels or shows garbage and then continues on to the next line of code at ***

The form that opens only stays open a few seconds to let the user know that the program is in communication with a device.

I am going to try threading the form load as a new form to see if i can get the form to finish loading while the program continues.

any comments would be helpful...

No luck with threading

Tried it with threading but the same problem still occurs.
Form components... In this case a label, never displays completely.
Just a transparent "garbage" box where the label should be.
Attempted threading the form load but it would just skip to the the end of the thread... still the next line of code... and close the form without ever showing the label. I will keep working at it and post if I find a result. At first I thought it was me over commiting my resources but I'v checked all apparent places I could have done that. I'v already learned my leason with using the "load" function provided on windows forms which can cause form loading delays in your programs, look like im up for another lesson with this one..