SlidePopup form


Active member
Dec 13, 2010
Programming Experience
Hey. And Merry Chrismas.

Can some help me.

I want make a SlidePopup form..
And i want to slide in from the right lover taskbar. just over the systemicon(the Clock)

I hobe some one here could give me the code to do it.
I wrote this code some time ago in VB.NET 2003. It might need some small adjustment as a result and you may be able to make some other improvements, but it should do the job you want.

Animated Window Effects with "Toast" popup demo
Yes i have se it. but i only want the code to slide popup..
And in this code you have made there i cannot find out to take the code out there do the slide popup..
All the other stuff in this code i dont need it...
And i have try to take only the slide code but i cant se how or there the code i shell use..

But i will say its a find code and nice... but i cannot use it. :-(
You can use it, and that thread shows you exactly how. The first post has two classes attached that you can use as is, and that same post has two one-line code snippets you can use to do exactly what you want to do. There's no need for you to remove anything.
In the link to your code.
i have try to insert the code to the form...
But its not work here.

I dont understand it. and what i do wrong.

Can you make a step by step guide for me ?

I have try to do :

FormAnimator class - A helper class that you can add an instance of to a form to provide animation when the form is shown, hidden or closed. Supported animations are Roll (form is unrolled and rolled up from one edge to the opposite), Centre (form unrolls from the centre out and rolls up from all edges in), Slide (form slides in and out from one edge to the opposite) and Blend (form fades in and out). Roll and Slide animations can be up, down, left, right or diagonal. To use this class just add a single line of code similar to this to your form:
VB Code:
Private myAnimator As New FormAnimator(Me, FormAnimator.AnimationMethod.Slide, FormAnimator.AnimationDirection.Up, 400)
ToastForm class - An inherited Form class that uses the FormAnimator class to produce the same "toast" effect used by MSN Messenger and other apps, where the form slides up from the system tray and then slides back again after a period of time. To use this class just add code like this:
VB Code:
Dim myToastForm As New ToastForm(5000, "This is a ""toast"" popup demo.")

Edit: 30/09/2005
I've updated the ToastForm class so that it now will not receive focus when it is displayed. It will still receive focus if you click on it though.

Edit: 30/09/2005
I've updated the ToastForm class so that existing windows will move up the screen to make way for new ones so that they are not covered.

Edit: 30/09/2005
I've updated the ToastForm class so that it stacks properly if the Height is changed and/or multiple forms are opened with different lifetimes.

Try putting the following code in a form and pressing the button several times in succession to see this in action:
VB Code:
Dim myRandom As New Random
Dim formNumber As Integer = 1

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim toast As New ToastForm(myRandom.Next(5000, 10000), "This is form number " & Me.formNumber.ToString())

toast.Height = myRandom.Next(150, 300)
Me.formNumber += 1
End Sub

And i get error in every line. get a blue line under the code so i cannot use it.. and why, i dont know..

So could you make a step by step guide..?
what i do first and what i do next and what i shell make.

I hobe you will help me.
Have you downloaded the demo project and looked how that works?
But in my project i cannot use it...

I just need the code where do the slide thing.
And i dont need the popup in multi. only one popup slide.
And i cannot make my own form and what i will have on it.

Hmm... maybe i have to keep looking for the code there do the slide.