Question Simple Application


Apr 20, 2010
Programming Experience
I wanted to create a simple application which has 2 forms.the first one contains a combobox which has the list of names of i select this report and click on next which takes me to the 2nd form.there i have to enter 4 values(or parameters)like the date from and date to and other 2 values...using these 5 values i want to retrieve the respective reports from the archive folder based on these parameters...i just know how to select and move to the second form from the do i achieve my goal of retrieving the pdf files.i want the result in a table form which will have column names of the parameters i pass and the last column with the report pdfs.Please help me.
You would create a DirectoryInfo object for your folder, then call GetFiles to get an array of FileInfo objects for the PDF files. You can then filter that array based on the FileInfo properties as appropriate. To filter, you would loop through the array and add the file to a List if it matches your criteria. Finally, bind the List to a DataGridView to display the matching items to the user.
i am new to can u pls tell me a very simple thng...i am trying to
connect to the oracle data base which is not working...
i want to execute a query like this "select * from rep where repid =" + a
where 'a' has the report name selected in the combobox
can u tell me the code for which on the button click of the second form i get the result of the above query and i display each items on different columns of a data grid...
I think you need to be a bit clearer about what you're actually doing. Your first post sounds to me like you're getting PDF files from a folder, while your second post talks about using a database.
yes..pls forget my first post..pls help me with the i am not able to do this simple thing..i want to execute a query,get the data and display it on a data grid column by column...each row..example i have name,phone,add and i say "select * from emp where company=" +a..suppose a has value KMG..let there be 4 rows with employees of KMG..i want to display it on a table with columns name,phone,add and company and display the data below row by it shud have 4 rows