Question Show .net not installed window


New member
Sep 19, 2009
Programming Experience
I have looked all over the web and have been unable to find an answer to my question. Hopefully someone in the forum is harboring this knowledge and wouldn't mind sharing it with me.

When I launch a .net application on a machine that does not have .net installed I recieve the "In order to run this application please install .net framework 2.0" - i'm not sure what exactly it says but something to that effect.

Now if i take the same application and use winzip self-extractor to call the exe, the message is no longer shown it just craps out.

It may sound crazy, but I would like to know how to get that message to show up no matter where i'm calling the executable.
In order to run this application please install .net framework 2.0
This sounds more like there's 1.0 or 1.1 installed. .NET applications can only be parsed by the .NET Framework, if it is not installed (in any version) windows will try to execute it as normal executeables, which can't work. A pure Windows without .NET has no chance of knowing that it is a .NET version, at least not as long they're not parsing the file headers instead of the file extension.

A workaround would the a batch file, which checks if the .NET folders are existing.

Bobby thanks for the reply ...

I was trying to avoid the cmd/bat file method... but looks like have I have no choice.
It sounds like you're deploying the app without using an installer, of which using an installer all you would have to do is tell it that the framework's a dependency and it does the rest.