show messagebox if the user open the page...

dim url as string = txturl.text 'this is where the user types the url to navigate to.

if url = " then
msgbox("The URL " & txturl.text & " has been blocked!")
end if

hope this helps

oh...sorry, thought you posted the question.....

btw - why is it interesting that I use an if ... then statement? - im just curious....Im new to VB.Net


I'm new, too and just basing it off of my own observations and what I've learned.

I thought website blocking was a string, whereas If...Then was used similarly to how a case would be used.
I'm new, too and just basing it off of my own observations and what I've learned.

I thought website blocking was a string, whereas If...Then was used similarly to how a case would be used.

thats kind of right....the "string" would be the url to block....we use an if..then statement to check the string if it matches the blocked url then block it and message the user.

Well, thanks for all, but I do not want this
What I want is:
If the user opens Internet Explorer or Firefox and enter the link ""
Show messagebox only ..