Question Shared Data :same class running in different bineries ?


New member
Feb 4, 2010
Programming Experience
Hi Guys

First post timer... yes another one.. sorry!:eek:

I used to do lots of development in VB6 ( but not for a long time) and a week ago took on a project which with .net , so it's starting again time. 3 long days and far too many energy drinks and I still can't get something working.

My current plans are/were to write a service which contains multiple processing threads and includes a 'client' class which used by an IVR.

The IVR can create a .net object referencing the client class in the service.
The IVR can open up to 30 client classses and pass requests and recieve answers from the service. Theres lots of other detail but my sticking point is how to pass the requests from the client objects to the processing classses in the service.

This is easy to do in VB6 , but .net has me stumped.

What I have tried ( and I am learning .net over the last 3 days, so forgive obvious mistakes)

* Public Variables in Modules ( this works in VB6 when using an external DLL)

* Public shared or static variables in Modules

* A base class which contains shared queues and this class is inherited by both the client and the processing theads.

* Same as above but using shared functions with static variables inside the functions.

*A seperate class with shared functions and with static variables which both the server and client class references.

It seems the issue is that most/all of these ideas work when the objects are with in the same binary, but not when running in seperate binaries.

So I have started exploring appdomains and maybe using domain neutral binaries may resolve this? I also have read about events and I'll read that chapter in my new VB .net book tonight in bed!

Mabe I am missing something really obvious.. I hope! Not really keen to spend another 3 days and getting no where.

I am now considering changing the design to have an IVR client dll which sends requests to the service using MSMQ or the like.

If anyone has any tips I would be for ever gratefull.

TIA.. now off to bed to read more!: eek: