Setup Project


Feb 7, 2007
Programming Experience
I added a setup project to an application I am working on. I also added a Customer Information dialog. My question is where does the setup store the username/company name the user enters during the installation from this form?
For your project itself, right-click on your project file and choose properties. In the Project window that appears to the left, click the button that says Assembly Information. A dialog window will appear with fields for Title, Description, Company etc...

With a setup project added to your solution, simply select the setup project file in solution explorer. The properties window directly below the Solution Explorer will hold fields to input this information.
VB.Net Setup Project

Tom, thanks for the reply, I think I need to further explain. What I am trying to accomplish is to verify the user that is running the application is the same person that installed the application. The setup project allows me to include a Customer Information dialog that appears at installation time. The installer must enter their username and company manually at the time of installation. When a user runs the application I need to verify the user with the username that was entered at installation time. My problem I cannot figure out where the setup programs records the username and company entries. I have looked in the registry and cannot find it.

I should mention I am running MSVS 2008 and .Net 2.0

Any help is appreciated.

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