Question Settings


Active member
Feb 19, 2010
Programming Experience
Alright. I am adding yet another thing to my clock widget.

I want the program to save what the user types in for the "Text" label. They type it in via a inputbox. What I want it to do, is save what they typed for the next program opening (When they open the program again.)

For instance, on first startup, it says "Click 'Text' to change"

They click text and change it to "VB.NET"
When they close and open the program again, it says "VB.NET" instead of "Click 'Text' to change"

I understand that you need to have something set up in My.Settings.
I have a setting field set up, but don't know how to use it. I've never had to do this before.

Any ideas?
Select the TextBox and in Properties window expand (ApplicationSetting), click '...' in (PropertyBinding) to open the dialog, for Text property select 'New...' and type a name for the setting. Done.