Setting Up DLL Instructions

Nov 25, 2010
Programming Experience
I have source code for a project (lets call it.....GAME).
I can follow the instructions.....How can I include these instructions when I run Setup Installer, so that they self install when I initially install the game on a PC

When I got it it had the following instructions:

For 'GAME' to run correctly a DLL files need to be registered on your system. To register the required DLL do the following.

• DLL locate RICHTX32.OCX in the “GAME\obj” folder
• Copy this to “C:\”
• Click the start button
• Click Run
• In the run box type “cmd” and press enter.
• In the command prompt window type “regsvr32 C:\RICHTX32.OCX” and press enter
• You should see a message saying that the “dllRegisterServer in regsvr32 C:\RICHTX32.OCX succeeded”

'GAME' should now be able to run correctly.

Note: It is possible to leave out the set of copying the “RICHTX32.OCX” file to “C:\ “. To do you just need to type the full path in instead of “C:\RICHTX32.OCX” for example. “regsvr32 C:\Program Files\GAME\Obj\RICHTX32.OCX”. Doing it that way eliminates the need for copying the file and leaves “C:\” clear of the file.
A Setup project allows you to specify an RTF file to be displayed during the installation process. I can't remember the specifics because it's a while since I've done it but I would think a bit of investigation should yield answers.

.net setup rtf - Google Search
Thanks jmcilninney...I will continue research and will look on Google too.

i think this source code was initially built in either VB6 or VB.Net Standard 2003, would I be able to upgrade the source code to Visual Studio 2005 Standard Edition?
would I be able to upgrade the source code to Visual Studio 2005 Standard Edition?
If it's VB.NET, just open the SLN file in a later version and it will be converted automatically.