Setting up a program to recieve emails?


New member
May 4, 2010
Programming Experience
I want to set up a program that can receive emails.
This is what I want to do, from my phone send an email and then get the program to receive the email and do something depending on what the email says.

Thanks to anyone that helps.:D
The .NET Framework includes POP3 functionality for sending email because applications sending email notifications is common practice. It includes no SMTP functionality for receiving email because everyone has an email client so applications receiving email is a rare thing. You'd have to either write your own SMTP server using low-level network programming, write your own SMTP client to communicate with an existing server, or else find an existing third-party component that does so.
Or opposite (with same conclusions); POP3 = one of the receive protocols, SMTP = a send protocol.
Or opposite (with same conclusions); POP3 = one of the receive protocols, SMTP = a send protocol.

Oops! I guess I was a bit lysdexic yesterday. ;)