Server explorer


Jun 4, 2004
Programming Experience
I am new to VS.Net so I would be grateful to anyone who could help me resolve this.

I have installed SQLserver2000 but when I go File/New/Project and choose
Asp.NET Web Service and set Location as http://localhost/WebService1 , I get an error message "Cannot create or open ......... Please check webserver is running or Installed.

The taskbar shows that it is running! (running-\\SUZY - MSSQLSERVER)

What am I doing wrong?
Have I installed sqlserver wrongly?

My OS is WindowsXP Home.

you need to have a webserver running (SqlServer is a database solution. A webserver allows the computer to host web pages). ASP.NET works with IIS, which isn't available on XP home, only XP pro. I beleive there is a low-level server you can install to test with. You can also try to install IIS on XP home if you own an OS that has IIS (server 2000 for instance). Here's a link to instructions: IIS on XP Home
Thank you Paszt.

Please allow me to give you this rundown of the recent history of this computer.
As you know I was running VB6 on which I developed my package.
I bought WindowsXP Professional upgrade and installed it and it messed up all my VB files with the result that my application would not run at all. As I can't do without the accounting package, I had to reformat my HDD and all my programs to get rid of XPPro. Which is where I am at now!

I have installed Windows Server2003 onto my D: drive (it has the NTFS system) and am wondering whether I can use that as a server for VS.Net?
Also I have the Host Integration Server CD and the Commerce Server2000 CD which came with VS.Net Enterprise Architech. Should I install one of them?

You will do me a great service if you can suggest the right way to go here as then I should have a good foundation on which to base my future learning and application of VS.Net.

I believe the best route would be to try to get XP Pro working correctly as it has IIS available.

What is the trouble you are having with XP Pro?
Thanks Paszt.

I have now loaded the VS.Net into the same directory as windows server2003 enterprise and it is working fine.
The trouble I had with XP Pro is that when I upgraded it messed up my VB files.
I am told that one should first load XP Pro and then install VB6.

I am now running XP Home on the C: Drive and Windows Server2003 on the D:Drive. As you would know Server 2003 can't runs on the NTFS system and not Fat. (So they tell me!)

Thanks for your interest.
