Sending Text to another form


Well-known member
May 11, 2005
Northern Michigan
Programming Experience
Sending Text to another form - One more Question

Ok my situation is I have a form running in the background (infoform) and when changes are made to other forms I send the changes to the form running in the back ground. I have just a richtext edit box on that form.

Lets say on main form I create an instance of the infoform and add the text it creates a new infoform and adds the text there, I really don't want to create a new instance of the infoform I just want to send all the text to the infoform that is already started. Because I have three other forms and each time a change is made I will have three different infoforms running. Is there any other way to do this?

This might not be clear so ask questions and I will help clear it up. Thanks!
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make a form level (module level) variable of your info form and also on the info form include a function that will accept string(s) and will do whatever is needed when that function (or sub) is called

now on your main form whenever you need to pass strings to it, simply call the sub or function through your module level variable

that may not make much sense, i can send ya a demo if needed