Send message to keyboard


New member
Feb 13, 2006
Programming Experience
How can I use VB .NET to send message to the keyboard, such that it will input specified text to where the keystroke currently located?

Assuming I'm even interpreting this correctly

you can use SendKeys.Send("Keys here") to send keystrokes
Thanks! This is exactly what I am looking for.

My application can now send the keystrokes to the active windows. However, whenever the active windows got some pop-up alert, my keystrokes failed (since the main windows were deactivated until the pop-up is removed) ... Is there anyway in VB for me to detect whether or not there is a pop-up windows, or to detect whether my keystrokes can be sent to the desired windows?

Thanks in advance!
i'm not sure on how to do this, but i do know there's a way to detect if your window has focus or not (and if not, give it focus) i'd have to google it to figure out how to do this