Search controls text


Aug 9, 2006
Programming Experience

Can anyone tell me how to create a search feild that will when the user clicks a button search all the lables on the form and upon finding the right info will make that label visible.

Also if anyone knows of a better way to search for then show information I would be happy for the help


You just need to loop through the controls collection and set that particular controls visible property to false...

dim Lbl as label
For Each Ctrl as control in Me.Controls
If Ctrl.GetType is GetType(Label) then
lbl = DirectCast(Ctrl,label)
if lbl.whatever = whatever then
lbl.visible = True
end if
Hey thanks for the info I was hoping you might be able to show me how the code would look if when somone types into a text box "Mark" and then lblMark becomes visible Thanks
Just update duelchamps1's code to...

dim Lbl as label
For Each Ctrl as control in Me.Controls
If Ctrl.GetType is GetType(Label) then
lbl = DirectCast(Ctrl,label)
[B]if lbl.Name = Textbox1.text then[/B]
lbl.visible = True
end if

You'd be better off using string comparison functions to get partial results...
that won't work aBsOlUt,

Label Name -> lblmark

Textbox text -> Mark

The string comparison wont do anything you'd need to do a substring to not include the first three letters. Also the = operator is waaaaaay slower than using the .equals function.

You could also use the tag property.
You use the String.IndexOf method to find an occurence of a string within another.
It will only work if the textbox text value is exactly the same as the labels name property.

I mentioned that if he wants to compare partial strings he'd be better off with string functions. My wording might have been a bit off.