any1 help please? basically iv wrote the code to search for a client name in a database(in access) IN and this is the code:
but it underlines the "OleDbDataAdapter1" in the Quote:Dim MYDA As OleDbDataAdapter1 =. .......
but i dont know why as that is what my dataAdapter is called??
please help, id be very grateful!!!!!
Private Sub BtnSearch_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
If txtSearch.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Please type Client Name", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Enter Text") : Exit Sub
Dim MYDA As OleDbDataAdapter1 = New OleDbDataAdapter()
Dim MYDS As DataSet = New DataSet()
RS = New ADODB.Recordset()
RS.Open("SELECT * FROM CLIENT WHERE NAME LIKE '" & txtSearch.Text & "%' ", CN, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic)
DataGrid1.DataSource = MYDS.Tables(0)
End Sub
End Class
but it underlines the "OleDbDataAdapter1" in the Quote:Dim MYDA As OleDbDataAdapter1 =. .......
but i dont know why as that is what my dataAdapter is called??
please help, id be very grateful!!!!!