scrollable control - ListView?


New member
Oct 19, 2010
Charlotte, NC
Programming Experience
I am just getting back into VB.NET, and I need to ask a question. I am doing a project for a class which requires iterating through 360 items in a scrollable control that will pause every so often. I am thinking I might use either a ListView or GridView, but I am not sure if this is the right way to go or if I need to use a different control all together.
Well, you won't be using a GridView because that's a web control. You might use a DataGridView. The best option depends on the data and what you want to do with it. If it's a simple list then the ListBox is probably the best option. If you want the multiple views and/or grouping functionality the ListView provides then that would be the best option. For specifically displaying tabular data, the DataGridView is the best option.
Is there a way possible to use the fullrowselect in datagridview or other way around?
The DataGridView has a SelectionMode property, one of the possible values for which is FullRowSelect. The DataGridView also has full documentation in the MSDN Library, which can tell you all the members it has and more besides.