Question scaleHeight ScaleWidth Vb6 to VB net


New member
Sep 7, 2016
Programming Experience
Hi everybody. I need help on properties and scaleHeight ScaleWidth when converting code from vb6 to . Hope everybody help please?
We might be able to help if we have a less vague description of the problem. Please provide a FULL and CLEAR explanation of EXACTLY what you're trying to achieve.

Also, keep in mind that trying to translate VB6 code to VB.NET line by line is often a good way to end up with bad VB.NET code. You're generally better off considering the functionality that the VB6 code provides and then trying to determine the best way to provide that same functionality in VB.NET.
How to return or set the number of units for the horizontal and vertical measurement of the interior of an object when using graphics methods or when positioning controls. I used graphics.drawline in
in vb6 :
  Public Sub Plot_dothi(ByRef N As Integer)
     Pct1.ScaleWidth = Pct1W
        For i = 1 To Pct1W - 1
                Pct1.Line (i, Pct1.ScaleHeight - mang(i + STTKenhcu))-(i, Pct1.ScaleHeight), &HFFFF00, B
       Next i
                Pct1.Line (N, Pct1.ScaleHeight)-(N, 0), RGB(255, 255, 255)
End sub
Private Sub Pct1_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
    STTKenhmoi = STTKenhcu + Round(x)
    vitridanhdau = Round(x)
    Display (STTKenhmoi)
End Sub

Private Sub Pct1_Click()
Plot_dothi (vitridanhdau)
End Sub

in :
 Private thmb = New Bitmap(CInt(4096), CInt(650))
  private Graphics As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(thmb)

 Private Sub drawLine(Gr As Graphics, Pn As Pen, X1 As Integer, Y1 As Integer, X2 As Integer, Y2 As Integer)
        Dim ScaledX1 As Integer = CInt(Math.Round((CSng(X1) / Pct1W) * Pct1.ClientSize.Width))
        Dim ScaledX2 As Integer = CInt(Math.Round((CSng(X2) / Pct1W) * Pct1.ClientSize.Width))
        Dim ScaledY1 As Integer = CInt(Math.Round((CSng(Y1) / mScaleHeight) * Pct1.ClientSize.Height))
        Dim ScaledY2 As Integer = CInt(Math.Round((CSng(Y2) / mScaleHeight) * Pct1.ClientSize.Height))
        Gr.DrawLine(Pn, ScaledX1, ScaledY1, ScaledX2, ScaledY2)
    End Sub

  Public Sub Plot_dothi(ByRef N As Integer)
          For i = 1 To Pct1W - 1
            drawLine(Graphics, Pens.Cyan, i, mScaleHeight - mang(i + STTKenhcu), i, mScaleHeight)
        Next i
           Pct1.Image = thmb
           drawLine(Graphics, Pens.WhiteSmoke, N, mScaleHeight, N, 0)
End sub

 Private Sub Pct1_MouseDown(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles Pct1.MouseDown
        STTKenhmoi = STTKenhcu + Math.Round(e.X)
        vitridanhdau = Math.Round(e.X)
    End Sub

 Private Sub Pct1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Pct1.Click
    End Sub

in vb6 : when I change the value Pct1W ( Pct1Scale.width = Pct1W ) , the cursor position on the picturebox drawn with lines of code ( DrawLine (Graphics , Pens.WhiteSmoke , N , mScaleHeight , N , 0 ) ) unchanged . How to do in ?