Save file from website


Jun 21, 2011
Programming Experience
Best VS tool to open a link from a website and save the contents to a text file?

Thanks for any info provided.
First of all, what do you mean by "open a link from a web site"? A "link" is something displayed in a web page so do you mean that you already have a web page open and you want to follow a link from that page to another page and save the contents of that second page, or do you actually mean that you have the URL of a page and you want to save the contents of that page? If it's the latter then there's no link. If it's the former then where exactly is the first web page open? Is it a WebBrowser control in your app or the user's own web browser or something else?
Thank you for your reply.

The ultimate goal is to save EDI data from an EDI cloud service.

I would need to log into a website
Navigate to the "inbox"
Look for specific EDI document types (don't necessarily have to do this)
Click on link that displays raw EDI data
Save data in the document viewing window that opens up.

Another option I thought about is to do everything manually.
Have a program that is running in the background that looks for the open document viewing windows. When it finds one, saves the contents to a file.
This way all I have to do is to click the view link then close it.

Hopes this makes sense.
Thank you