Save data to xml file


New member
Sep 26, 2009
Programming Experience
I am trying to make sort of a quick launch sidebar application, but I want to save each item that has been added by the user for the next time they open the program. Basicly what I need is to some how save a file with sections, then data in each of the sections. And once they are saved, I need to read how many sections there are, and then with each one, retrieve the data. Is this possible? Or is there a better way of saving user added items?
Yes, it is! Create the starting XML file structure. Have a sub that creates the nodes for each section, then add the data to each element. You can even delete an entire session by removing the node that contains the session. Since it would have the sessions as elements it would be easy to make a list of sessions.
This would be a good starting point vbCity/DevCity.NET.