I searched the forum but couldn't find a "fix." So if I enter in a TextBox a word or phrase without quotation marks, what follows it'll be processed correctly. But if I dare to use any quotation marks* then disaster strikes. Double, triple, quintuple quotes won't help. And I'm talking here about UI: the user entering whatever he needs in that TextBox at runtime.
When the user enters:
(A). "dog"
(B) "My name is"
(C) She says "Hello!"
It's extraordinarily annoying, I can't believe there isn't a simple fix for this bug, especially since I noticed that alotta people are complaining
(A). "dog"
(B) "My name is"
(C) She says "Hello!"
It's extraordinarily annoying, I can't believe there isn't a simple fix for this bug, especially since I noticed that alotta people are complaining