running something every 6hrs, 1min


VB.NET Forum Moderator
Staff member
Jun 3, 2004
Lansing, MI; USA
Programming Experience
what would be the best way to run a process every 6 hours and 1 minute

i've heard that using the timer control past 3 minutes it gets inaccurate so i was thinking of somehow storing a timestamp in a variable and every minute checking it against the clock to see if it's been 6hours and 1 minute

but i'm not sure exactly on how to accommodate for a new day (when it spans to the next day) so it'll be accurate

any suggestions?
	'Set the time to the minimum possible so the operation occurs on the first tick.
	Private lastOperationTime As Date = Date.MinValue

	Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
		If DateTime.Now.Subtract(lastOperationTime).TotalMinutes > 6 * 60 + 1 Then
			'Initiate operation here.

			Me.lastOperationTime = Date.Now
		End If
	End Sub
kulrom said:
Where and when you've heard it ... the thing about timer? i've never heard that using the timer control past 3 minutes it gets inaccurate ... strange if i may :)

Cheers ;)

i heard it from someone on another forum, but i didnt know if it was true or not

anywho thanx jmcilhinney i'll try that later tonight when i get home
I provided that code based on what you asked for, but I also am not aware of any specific issue with a Timer with a large Interval. Perhaps you should do some testing by comparing the two methods for an interval of a couple of hours or so over a period of a couple of days and see what the average discrepancy is.
hi ,
1 More thing to Help you ,

'Create a TimeSpan of 6hrs and i min
Dim tmspan as new Timespan(6,1,0)

' Create a Timer from System.Threading.Timers and set Timer.Change(tmspan,tmspan).

The timer will fire after every 6hrs 1 min..

From the help documentation:

This timer is optimized for use in Windows Forms applications and must be used in a window... This Windows timer is designed for a single-threaded environment where UI threads are used to perform processing.
The Timer component is a server-based timer... The server-based Timer is designed for use with worker threads in a multithreaded environment. Server timers can move among threads to handle the raised Elapsed event, resulting in more accuracy than Windows timers in raising the event on time.
System.Threading.Timer is a simple, lightweight timer that uses callback methods and is served by threadpool threads. You might also consider System.Windows.Forms.Timer for use with Windows forms, and System.Timers.Timer for server-based timer functionality. These timers use events and have additional features.