Question Running CAD Software


New member
Nov 3, 2011
Programming Experience
Hi All,

I am new to VB and programming. My actual area of expertise is in Drafting/Design/CAD management. In this line of work you need to always find ways to improve productivity. Our company utilizes a 3D software package that has an API with it, therefore you can customize it or use a programming language (like VB) to manipulate it. Over the years I have taught myself VB and have written many applications to enhance productivity (I am still a novice at this though). With that all being said I have been enlisted by my company to create a rather large and lengthy application for which i did and it works. The problem that I am having is this.... I use VB to start an instance of my CAD software, then VB manipulates the CAD software and the 3D models to a pre-determined arrangement. The issue that I run into is, my 3D software keep erroring out due to not being run as efficiently as the visual basic application. So in other words, my VB application is moving on while the 3D software is still finishing executing the last sequence of events... thus it trips over its self and the 3D software fails. I have placed "Pauses" in certain locations to help remedy this, the problems that I am running into with this approach is that I'm driving up the run time of the application as well as adjusting the application to work on my development computer. Once the development is complete and we place my application on a server, we run into the fail situation all over again.

My question is this. Can anyone tell me what I need to do to alleviate this situation? Our IT guys here say that I need to run a seperate thread (multithread) but I don't believe that is correct. I am actually running two separate programs, but need for VB to wait or work with the 3D software and know when it is ok to continue on.

I'd appreciate any help...