Round Icon question


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2006
Programming Experience
Does anyone know how to make icons that have shape and arn't square. All the icons in my tasktray are shaped except the ones I made for my software. I would like to add transparent colors to my icons as well. If someone oculd get me on the right path maybe just to make a round icon then I would really appreciate it. Thank you :)
Ok, i feel stupid. I am self taught so I didn't know this at first and I couldn't find any information on it. When you open an icon file into your Visual Studio Project use the computer icon color dark teal as transparent.
Interesting, is there any reference to this?
not sure what kind of reference you want... but I can explain in more detail if your interested. Maybe there are more people that are as confused as I was; I just never found a forum or thread concerning it so I piddled until I found it. I just assumed that since there was no info out there that I was the stupid one and everyone knew but me. If this is interesting to anyone then I can share what I know in more detail.