Well-known member
Hi I have writen code for inserting, updating and deleting records from access database (can be used in sql with little change). I've put this code in module and I call subs as I need them. Here is the code:
This is for inserting (code in module)
This is where I call it in app:
This works great. BUT, I allways want to do it very simple with less code. Can I use here multidimensional arrays. Suggest me improvements. TNX
This is for inserting (code in module)
Public Sub Inserting(ByVal InsertTable As String, ByVal InsertCols As Array, ByVal InsertParams As Array)
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand
Dim i As Integer
With cmd
'insert command text
.CommandText = "INSERT INTO " & InsertTable & " ("
For i = 0 To InsertCols.Length - 1 Step 1
.CommandText &= InsertCols(i)
If i < InsertCols.Length - 1 Then
.CommandText &= ", "
End If
.CommandText &= ") VALUES ("
For i = 0 To InsertParams.Length - 1 Step 1
.CommandText &= "?"
If i < InsertParams.Length - 1 Then
.CommandText &= ", "
End If
.CommandText &= ")"
For i = 0 To InsertParams.Length - 1 Step 1
.Parameters.Add(InsertCols(i), InsertParams(i))
.Connection = cn
End With
End Sub
This is where I call it in app:
Dim InsertTable As String = "TimeZones"
Dim InsertCols(2) As String
InsertCols(0) = "ZoneName"
InsertCols(1) = "HourCorrection"
InsertCols(2) = "MinuteCorrection"
Dim InsertParams(2) As String
InsertParams(0) = Me.txtZoneName.Text.Trim
InsertParams(1) = Me.txtHourCorrection.Text.Trim
InsertParams(2) = Me.txtMinuteCorrection.Text.Trim
Inserting(InsertTable, InsertCols, InsertParams)
This works great. BUT, I allways want to do it very simple with less code. Can I use here multidimensional arrays. Suggest me improvements. TNX