Retrieving 1million rows in database


Active member
Jun 14, 2011
Programming Experience
ex. If I have to retrieve 1million rows in the database it takes 30sec to retrieve it all by just using (SELECT * FROM table name), is there possible way i can retrieve that rows in half the time or faster? Thanks.
You could say "abracadabara". You could get a computer that's twice as fast. But seriously, retrieving the data takes as long as it takes. If all you're doing is executing a query then there's no fat to trim. The real question is whether you actually need the whole million rows. If it's for display to the user then the answer is "definitely not".
Hahaha! Maybe I going try the abracadabara thing. HAHAHA. Thank you again. I ask this question because of searching keyword in google, its looks pretty fast.