Question retrieve and process the meta data of a jpeg?


New member
Dec 12, 2014
Programming Experience
Hi Everyone,

My wife and I have a collection of family photographs on various mobile devices including windows 7 mobiles x2 an iPod and a laptop all in jpeg format.
I estimate we have about 4000 photographs and as time progresses we may no longer remember the context of the photograph.

I had an idea of developing a program to do the following:

1. Process a folder
2. Read the first jpg files meta data retrieving location and date
3. While there is a file found
4. compare location
5. if location uncatalogued
6. ask what the setting (location) is and assign to list
7. end if
8. set current setting
9. if date uncatalogued
10. ask what the event was and assign to list
11. end if
12. set current event
13. rename file date (yyyymmdd)/event/setting)
14. read next file
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When a uncatalogued picture is found I want to be able to preview the picture in a window.

sample data

Please enter setting
>At home
Please enter event
>My daughter Chantelle's birthday

: 20140119:At home:Chantelle's birthday

The main problem I have is how to retrieve and process the meta data of a jpeg picture in
and how to process all files in the folder.

Can someone please give a sample to get me started?

I promise to release the source to this forum after I get this app going....

Any help appreciated :)