retreiving values from form


New member
Sep 20, 2009
Programming Experience
Hi there,

I used to do database programming in VB6 3 years back. Since then I stopped programming and currently I am trying to do an Inventory project just to fresh my prior knowledge of VB6. I am using Visual studio 2008.

I remember using Adodc control in VB6 to connect to the MS Access data source file. Is there anything like Adodc in 2008.

I created a form with three text field and i am trying pass the values from these text feild into a table having fields itemID, Name and price. Is there anyway to do this but I dont want to link the text box directly to the database but instead pass the values from these text fields.
In VB.NET you use ADO.NET, which is very different to ADO despite the similar name. There are links in my signature to walkthroughs and videos that can help you with ADO.NET, plus there would be plenty of info on the web if you search.

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