resize and reposistion a form control when form is mazimized


Dec 10, 2007
Programming Experience
How do i change the size of a cotrol such as a listbox when the form is maximized?

Basically i have desiged a form that has a listbox in the bottom left corner that is as wide as the form. But when the form is maximized, it no longer takes up the width of the form, nor is it located in the lower left corner.
Open the properties window and check the anchor property for that ListBox. In that way you can be sure that ListBox get resized along with the form. Anchor = Top, Bottom, Left, Right means that it will be getting resize as much as the form.

HTH :)
Cool thanks...that worked. What if i want to give the users the ablity to resize a control on a form,? How do i allow them to do that?