Reports filtered by date range (VB Studio 2008)


New member
Aug 10, 2008
Programming Experience
This is my first program and have absolutely no training in programming Visual Basic Studio 2008 so forgive me if I have missed something obvious.

Form1 contains a StartDate(Date Time Picker1)and EndDate(Date Time Picker2) and various textboxes that allow data entry to the database.

Form3 contains a a second set of StartDate(Date Time Picker1)and EndDate(Date Time Picker2) with a button1 which launches a Form4 containing a report( Microsoft Report Veiwer)

Is there any way for the Date time Pickers on Form3 to set the date ranges of data returned in the report?

I have been able to generate a report but it gives me everything in the database instead of the data between the date range selected.

I have tried generating queries,stored procedures and writing additional code but nothing seems to work.(Though it may be that I have put them in the wrong place and other variations of my own idiocy)

Surely there is a way to do this.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you
