Report Fails to Load


May 9, 2005
Programming Experience
I have read many posts here but have not seen this particular error happen to anyone else.

I have an aspx page with one crystal report viewer and one report source. I also have a drop down list where the user selects which report they want to see. According to what the customer selects in the drop down, i have a select case that changes the values in the crystalreportsource and the select statement accordingly.

Now, this works like a charm, but i have seen one problem which does not happen all the time, only sometimes, and I have not figured out the cause.

I select the report that i want to see, hit submit, and the report loads without problem, but when I hit the export button or the print button in the Crystal Toolbar the report goes away and I get a "Load Report Failed". i figured it was probably an issue with the report data not staying in memory so I changed the "reuse Parameter values" to true to see if this would help but i still have the problem.

Now, if i reload the report(hit submit again) the report loads and 9 times out of 10 the export and print buttons work.

it seems to me like when the page refreshes the parameter values for the report go away, the Crystal Report Viewer looses he parameters i send it, and thus I get the failed error.

Is there a workaround to this?