Question Report and Report Viewer


Apr 18, 2012
Programming Experience
Hello vbdotnetforums, I just finished my project and all were working fine except for my reports, here is the problem, in my project I have 9 reports all are working good they show all the data only the thing that make me wonder is that whenever I close a report and open another one it just keeps on refreshing and yet data will not be shown. I have to restart the application or open different forms before and reopen it and how the dat. I wonder why this happens because before I did not encounter this thing. By the way i have different forms for every report because I am using visual studio's report and report viewer and I am using a dataset to show data. Thanks

Update: Ok I found the reason behind why does this occur, it is because it is a child form of my MDiParent which is my main menu form, I removed the code that will make it as a child form and it works fine now. But I want all of my forms to be a child form of my main menu. How can I do so? I am looking for some kind of a code like when I close the report it will refresh all data, but I couldn't find anything, else if there is no remedy for this I'll stick to it as a separate form. But I'll wait for somebody if that can give me any solution. :)
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