Question Replacing files


Feb 8, 2011
Programming Experience
Hiya I'm having a problem I need to read a file location from textbox2 and replace it with file from textbox 1 at button click but I'm a beginner when it comes to system command calls , can anyone help please? :)
Ok I try to explain my friend. I have two text boxes , you browse folder and show file name of file1 in textbox1 then browse for file 2 and show in textbox 2 . Press button and file1 will over write file2?
Hoya again I tryes using that link . Using some code and what it did was copy the path into the text file it didn't copy it over the other any ideas ?
Can't at the mo on phone but basicly

Button 1
Click to open file location file1 in textbox1
Click to open file location of file2 in text box 2
Button 3
Copy file 1 over file 2, making a backup of file 2 before copy?

That's all I want it to do basicly?