Rename mdb


Well-known member
Jul 18, 2007
Programming Experience
Hi all,

My girlfriend needs an app to store her working hours in it (my first request yippie :)).
On her job there is this new tool for working hours but it has some bugs in it so she wants to keep track of her hours herself.

I want to make a simple app using an Accessdb. I already read here that Access is not required to let the program run on another pc.

Now my question, can I rename the extension of the db from .mdb to .test or whatever? Will that give me any problems when accessing the db (reading / writing) ?

I ask this because maybe I want to give this app to her collegues and I don't want anyone to mess with my db. When it has a weird extension they probably don't know that it is an Accessdb :)
Ofcourse I will change this in my connectionstring also.

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set a password on the database, and then in the advanced tab of the connection builder, set the database password.

DO NOT SET THE PASSWORD IN THE USER PASSWORD BOX (found under the username which defaults to admin)

Your conenction string should include a string like "JET OLEDB 4.0:Database Password = "
It should NOT include a PWD=xxx specifier
set a password on the database, and then in the advanced tab of the connection builder, set the database password.

DO NOT SET THE PASSWORD IN THE USER PASSWORD BOX (found under the username which defaults to admin)

Your conenction string should include a string like "JET OLEDB 4.0:Database Password = "
It should NOT include a PWD=xxx specifier

Thanks but can I still rename the database-extension?
Well it works, just see that your app.config shows the correct extension.

@cjard, I don't want to let my users see that there is an Accessdb behind it.
I already read here that Access is not required to let the program run on another pc.

I don't want to let my users see that there is an Accessdb behind it.

Well, if Access isn't on the client PC, they won't be able to do much with it :p

There was a post on here ages ago regarding securities of the DB, you could always put it in a folder within your app, and set the permissions only for your app user to access it - that way no one would be able to get in.

However, your approach seems to be a good idea - but if someone is clever and work out which file is the DB, there's nothing stopping them changing the extension back to .mdb and opening it on the PC (although your app then won't work!)
@cjard, I don't want to let my users see that there is an Accessdb behind it.

First error message that contains "Jet.OLEDB" will put paid to that. I'm not sure why youre so concerned; jet has been a defacto db for years and a lot of big enterprises run a lot of important software on it (amazingly)
First error message that contains "Jet.OLEDB" will put paid to that. I'm not sure why youre so concerned; jet has been a defacto db for years and a lot of big enterprises run a lot of important software on it (amazingly)

Well it is not a concern but it just looks better :) Next I'll try to set a passwort on the database like you wrote.