Release Files


Oct 20, 2006
Programming Experience
When I build a solution in *.exe format, apart from the Main executable other files like
*.vshost.exe, *.pdb, *.xml are created.

Do I need these files?
In short .. no. The .pdb is a program debug database that stores all the debugging information for your app, the vshost.exe, new in 2005, is the visual studio hosting process you can check it out at msdn.
the exe file and any dll files located in the bin folder is all you need, one of the things i do right before i build the project as a release is i'll delete everything in the bin folder then run the program as a release configuration, then everything in the bin folder is what i package for an installer project
I recommend you perform a Clean first, then perform the build. Note that the VB IDE seems to hide the "debug/release" switcher combo by default - i'm not sue why, maybe because pressing play does a debug build and choosing build does a release? Either way, i didnt like it so I put the combo box back on my toolbar and I now choose whether I want debug or release mode before i clean/build