Hi. I have two forms. In form 1 is where my datagridview is. When i click a button, it opens up form2 which has textboxes where I input data. What I wanna do is after closing form 2, changes should reflect on the datagridview on form 1.
Below is my code for filling my datagridview:
Below is my code for filling my datagridview:
Public Sub getClassList()
Dim query As String = "select p.PersonID as ID, p.FirstName, p.Lastname, p.StudentSection, p.StudentYear, sc.Prelim, sc.Midterm, sc.Prefinal, sc.Final from person p join StudentClass sc on sc.StudentID=p.PersonID where sc.ClassID='" & classid & "'"
Dim table As New DataTable
Dim adapter As New MySqlDataAdapter
Dim command As New MySqlCommand
With command
.CommandText = query
.Connection = SQLConnection
End With
With adapter
.SelectCommand = command
End With
DataGridView2.DataSource = table
End Sub